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Jazz Straszynski

Jazz Straszynski

My Life Story:

Since becoming a Pilates instructor all I want to do is help people feel confident with their bodies. Focusing on balance, coordination, posture, strengthening muscles, joint alignment and relaxation for emotional well-being.


When I was 18 years old, I had a diabetes scare, I was consuming too much processed foods and little to no exercise. That's when my mother encouraged me to go to the gym. After an hour in the gym, not having a clue what I was doing, I felt the rush of endorphins and knew that this was the lifestyle I now wanted. Believe it or not I actually signed up to the gym for a whole year that day!


A few months passed, still clueless and overwhelmed by the gym equipment I decided I wanted to learn about my body and exercise. That's when I studied L2 gym ad L2 ETM (exercise to music). Coming out of my teenage years I then started up some aerobic classes. It was only then that someone suggested to me I'd make a fantastic Pilates Instructor that I decide to study again. So I spent a whole year focusing on Pilates and that's when I fell in love. I fell in love with the history behind Pilates and the movements, the Joseph Pilates 34 original Pilates exercises. So I changed my aerobic classes into Pilates and have never looked back! Since then, I wanted to enrich my knowledge and have studied L3 exercise referral and nutrition (medical conditions such as hypertension, arthritis etc and diet). 


During these later studies I hurt my knee when running over a period of 3 years. I was taken to hospital where I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter Disease (a condition that causes pain and swelling below the knee joint). Not only did this affect my mental health and confidence, it affected by lower back as well. As the feet, knees and hips are all aligned! It was during this event that led me to study L4 Low Back Pain to not only help myself but teach and help others. When studying about the lower back and how it not only affects us physically but mentally, that's when I studied CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). A lot of pain generally, can be worsened by our thoughts or perhaps we are to scared to exercise incase we hurt ourselves.


Nowadays, I love teaching classes and putting all my knowledge to use. I'm incredibly passionate about helping others look after their bodies, mind and soul. I truly believe that Pilates is a fun and challenging way to tone your body and improve your overall fitness. I will guide you through a safe and effective holistic workout that will leave you feeling strong and empowered.


  • L2 Gym

  • L2 Exercise To Music

  • Boxercise L1 + L2

  • Spin

  • L3 Pilates

  • L3 Exercise Referral + Nutrition

  • L4 Low Back Pain

  • L3 CBT


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